Texas Has New State Record Whitetail?

Big South Texas Buck from Las Raices Ranch

Texas is known for it’s whitetail hunting, and for good reason — there are some big ole bucks down there! The proof is the pudding, so check out the photo above if you have any doubts about the size of this potential new record book buck. Mark Barrett of the Las Raices Ranch is the proud hunter that harvested this huge buck that is predicted to top the all time leader board in the Texas record books.

The whitetail buck’s green score is reported as 311 4/8 inch gross in full velvet, which is pretty cool in itself. Of course, the score is not official at this point, but it looks like this monster whitetail buck will be the new all-time non-typical buck in Texas. This ranch also produced the current top non-typical buck, which was shot by Mark’s son, and scored 275+ inches. It looks like first and second place is in the ranch’s near future.

But the success of this property does not appear to be luck. As it turns out, the property have been involved with deer management practices on their property for some time and work with state game department to improve their native whitetail deer herd. Looks like it’s working.

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