Comment: We have heard a lot about using cottonseed as a white-tailed deer supplement here is South Texas and had been thinking about doing it ourselves. In fact, we just put out the first load of cotton seed about 2 weeks ago, just over 6,000 pounds, for supplementation as part of our deer management program. We hope it helps our whitetail hunting and really look forward to monitoring consumption of the cottonseed, as well as seeing how the bucks stack up this coming year. I am going to try to be as unbiased as possible on how it turns out.
So far, the deer on the ranch have been receptive to the whole cottonseed. We have placed it in cottonseed feeders at 12 locations on the property. It is easy to feed compared to protein because we do not have to use feeders. Each cottonseed cage holds about 400 to 500 pounds of seed. Some of the seed is right next to feeders while some is located where we intend to place feeders in the future. Some are fenced in while others are out in the open. Continue reading Cottonseed for Whitetail Deer Feed